NBPA Initiatives & Resources

Mental Health Resources

The NBPA is committed to providing a wholistic support to black and minorities in academia. Our goal is to ensure that members of our community thrive while bringing their whole self into the academic space.

Black Trainee Emergency Support

  • Research consistently highlights the existence of inequities in accessing mental health support and treatment for Black individuals. For instance, statistics reveal that only 25% of Black people seek mental health treatment when needed, compared to 40% of white people. This disparity can be attributed, in part, to unequal access to healthcare services. Additionally, studies indicate that Black youth utilize mental health services at lower rates compared to their counterparts. Further evidence suggests that physicians working with Black patients are 33% less likely to engage in patient-centered communications compared to interactions with white patients. The burden of maternal and mental health disparities, as well as the availability of resources, disproportionately affects Black women. Shockingly, nearly 65% of the youth reports having experienced trauma, whereas the percentage stands at 30% for their peers from other ethnic groups. These findings emphasize the urgent need to address and rectify the barriers that hinder Black individuals from receiving adequate mental health care and support. Hence, the NBPA has comprised a list of senior members of the scientific community that have volunteered to serve as a support system for trainees when requested.

    There is an urgent need for more culturally responsive and equitable mental health support for Black individuals. By recognizing the unique challenges faced in the Black community, we can bridge the gaps in mental health care and ensure the support required to thrive is received.

  • America functions as one of the most diverse countries in the world; however, a severe detriment that comes with the establishment of the diversity is the monumental implicit and overt racism and discrimination that minorities face daily. Specifically, Black Americans consistently face discrimination, systemic racism, and societal pressures, resulting in heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges in their daily lives. In combination with an extremely high stress environment like graduate school where many Black trainees are the “only” or “one of few,” these challenges can exponentially increase mental health challenges.

  • The goal of the NBPA Emergency Program (launched in 2023) is to begin facilitating openness and direct lines of support for struggling trainees. By actively addressing historical and systemic trauma, countering microaggressions and racism, offering culturally sensitive care, fostering safe and inclusive spaces, and empowering academic and professional success, we can make significant strides in improving mental health especially for Black scientists.

  • 1. Utilization of Mental Health Services Among Black Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Narrative Review of the Literature. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40124-023-00282-7

    2. Racial Comparison of Therapeutic Support, Service Use, and Satisfaction Among Male Outpatients with Severe Mental Illness. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11126-012-9219-1

    3. Trends in Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Access to Mental Health Care, 2004–2012. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.201500453

    4. Pathways To Equitable And Antiracist Maternal Mental Health Care: Insights From Black Women Stakeholders. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2021.00808

    5. Effect of Racial and Ethnic Composition of Neighborhoods in San Francisco on Rates of Mental Health-Related 911 Calls. https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ps.60.10.1376

    6. Gómez (2013). Microaggressions and the Enduring Mental Health Disparity. https://doi.org/10.1177/0095798413514608

    7. An Online Behavioral Health Intervention Promoting Mental Health, Manhood, and Social Support for Young Black Men: The YBMen Project. https://doi.org/10.1177/1557988320937215

    8. 163 Appreciating Historical Racial and Ethnic Nuance in Developing Novel Approaches to Effective Communication of Mental Illness in the Black Community. https://doi.org/10.1017/s1092852920000796

    9. Reframing the narrative: Black maternal mental health and culturally meaningful support for wellness. https://doi.org/10.1002/imhj.21910

    10. Book Review: Care for the Mental and Spiritual Health of Black Men: Hope to Keep Going. https://doi.org/10.1177/0095798420934950

    11. “Understanding Mental Health in Black Communities | McLean Hospital.” Understanding Mental Health in Black Communities | McLean Hospital, 30 Jan. 2023, www.mcleanhospital.org/essential/black-mental-health#:~:text=Statistics%20tell%20us%20that%20about,of%20non%2DHispanic%20white%20people

To learn more, visit the NBPA Mental Health Manual

Local-Black Postdoctoral Association (L-BPA) Initiatives

Whether you already have an L-BPA, or are interested in starting an L-BPA, please consider dropping into our working shops the second Tuesday of every Month. We can support each other in building better, stronger, and more supportive communities!